Odor Control

Filtration Solutions to Efficiently Control Unpleasant Odours

Odour control is a significant environmental concern for many types of industries and businesses, including wastewater treatment facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, restaurants and airports. Industrial wastewater treatment generates odours that can be strong, persistent, and a nuisance to employees, residents, businesses, and industries located near the wastewater treatment plant. Because of the increasing intricacy and massive amount of chemicals used by industries worldwide, odour control is constantly evolving. Hospitals deal with odours from helicopters, as well as waste, which is an issue for nursing homes as well. Aircraft emissions, passenger vehicles, and airport services contribute significantly to the abundance of vaporous pollutants and unpleasant odours found in terminals and control towers. Restaurants must contend with kitchen exhaust and garbage odours.

As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of commercial and industrial air filters, AAF International makes a wide variety of products for removing and controlling airborne particulates and gaseous contaminants. Because the need for clean air is universal, AAF International designs air filter products for use in all types of air filtration systems, regardless of the original manufacturer. The scope of applications is unlimited and ranges from ultra-clean air for electronics and pharmaceutical manufacturing, to preventing the spread of infection in hospitals, to removing odours and harmful gases in occupied spaces. Our team of highly skilled gas-phase professionals, combined with extensive particulate filtration experience, makes AAF International uniquely qualified to design total air filtration solutions. 

AAF International has assumed an industry-leading position with the development of its innovative SAAF™ (pronounced as “SAFE”) product line, designed to reduce or eliminate harmful gaseous contaminants. In combination with our expertise in airborne particulate filtration, SAAF™ products and solutions allow us to develop unique and effective total filtration solutions to protect people, processes and equipment.

The SAAF™ product line features:

  • Chemical media cassettes with superior sealing and energy savings. These cassettes also fit in most legacy units. The housings are designed for quiet operation and durability.
  • Complete chemical media line - adsorbents, oxidants,and blends configured by and produced under the supervision of our world-class global research and development teams.
  • Environmental measurements related to the ISA Standard S71.04: “Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems. Airborne Contaminants to determine types of contaminants and their relative concentrations.”
  • RoHS compliant Corrosion Control
  • Comprehensive, industry-leading software — SAAF™ Tech Tools analyses applications, develops solutions, configures equipment and media, and delivers a complete technical proposal.

No other company offers this combination of experience, expertise, innovation and capability to combat airborne contaminants, particulate and/or gaseous, and deliver the best clean air solutions.

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